From felling to finished product


Kraftholz offers round timber in almost all quality and strength classes. In addition, we advise you based on our extensive expertise, including choosing the optimum roundwood quality especially for your individual purposes.

First-Class Quality

Through close cooperation with many forest companies, timber merchants and forest owners.

Roundwood Specialists

Leading expertise because our heart beats for roundwood since 1651.

360° Service

From harvesting to purchasing and wood processing to delivery.

Sustainable Production

Because we believe that the forest is more than a raw material supplier.

“Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky.”

Khalil Gibran, philosopher and poet, 1883-1931

Roundwood à la Kraftholz

Roundwood is not just round wood. That’s why we examine each tree individually before we send it on its way. For example, Kraftholz roundwoods can be used as resonance or tonewood, as veneer logs (peel and leaf veneer), form the basis for decorative highlights, or as cabinetry stock they can bring skilled craftsmen great pleasure in their work. Of course, we also supply the ideal round timbers for strips, window wood, lumber and hobbock. For example, wells, benches, intricately carved figurines, or wood paintings can emerge from extremely grown trunks.

Please note two important things: First, that we buy round timber fallen or standing. And that Kraftholz also takes care of felling, removal, delivery and, on request, even reforestation.



    kraftholz neuhofer gmbh

    Haslau 48
    A-4893 Zell am Moos

    T +43 6234 201 08
    F +43 6234 201 08 21

    [email protected]